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 Odoslaný - 12 február 2005 :  19:15:47  Zobraziť profil  Navštíviť domácu stránku užívateľa: Marcelllooo  Odoslať ICQ správu pre: Marcelllooo  Zobraziť adresu v MSN Messengeri pre: Marcelllooo  Pridať Marcelllooo do zoznamu priateľov
Evidence For Design In The Universe
from Limits for the Universe by Hugh Ross, Ph.D. in Astronomy

1 Gravitational coupling constant If larger: No stars less than 1.4 solar masses, hence short stellar life spans
If smaller: No stars more than 0.8 solar masses, hence no heavy element production

2 Strong nuclear force coupling constant If larger: No hydrogen; nuclei essential for life are unstable
If smaller: No elements other than hydrogen

3 Weak nuclear force coupling constant If larger: All hydrogen is converted to helium in the big bang, hence too much heavy elements
If smaller: No helium produced from big bang, hence not enough heavy elements

4 Electromagnetic coupling constant If larger: No chemical bonding; elements more massive than boron are unstable to fission
If smaller: No chemical bonding

5 Ratio of protons to electrons formation If larger: Electromagnetism dominates gravity preventing galaxy, star, and planet formation
If smaller: Electromagnetism dominates gravity preventing galaxy, star, and planet formation

6 Ratio of electron to proton mass If larger: No chemical bonding
If smaller: No chemical bonding

7 Expansion rate of the universe If larger: No galaxy formation
If smaller: Universe collapses prior to star formation

8 Entropy level of universe If larger: No star condensation within the proto-galaxies
If smaller: No proto-galaxy formation

9 Mass density of the universe If larger: Too much deuterium from big bang, hence stars burn too rapidly
If smaller: No helium from big bang, hence not enough heavy elements

10 Age of the universe If older: No solar-type stars in a stable burning phase in the right part of the galaxy
If younger: Solar-type stars in a stable burning phase would not yet have formed
11 Initial uniformity of radiation If smoother: Stars, star clusters, and galaxies would not have formed
If coarser: Universe by now would be mostly black holes and empty space

12 Average distance between stars If larger: Heavy element density too thin for rocky planet production
If smaller: Planetary orbits become destabilized

13 Solar luminosity If increases too soon: Runaway green house effect
If increases too late: Frozen oceans

14 Fine structure constant* If larger: No stars more than 0.7 solar masses
If smaller: No stars less then 1.8 solar masses

15 Decay rate of the proton If greater: Life would be exterminated by the release of radiation
If smaller: Insufficient matter in the universe for life

16 12C to 16O energy level ratio If larger: Insufficient oxygen
If smaller: Insufficient carbon

17 Decay rate of 8Be If slower: Heavy element fusion would generate catastrophic explosions in all the stars
If faster: No element production beyond beryllium and, hence, no life chemistry possible

18 Mass difference between the neutron and the proton If greater: Protons would decay before stable nuclei could form
If smaller: Protons would decay before stable nuclei could form

19 Initial excess of nucleons over anti-nucleons If greater: Too much radiation for planets to form
If smaller: Not enough matter for galaxies or stars to form

20 Galaxy type If too elliptical: Star formation ceases before sufficient heavy element buildup for life chemistry
If too irregular: Radiation exposure on occasion is too severe and/or heavy elements for life chemistry are not available

21 Parent star distance from center of galaxy If farther: Quantity of heavy elements would be insufficient to make rocky planets
If closer: Stellar density and radiation would be too great

22 Number of stars in the planetary system If more than one: Tidal interactions would disrupt planetary orbits
If less than one: Heat produced would be insufficient for life

23 Parent star birth date If more recent: Star would not yet have reached stable burning phase
If less recent: Stellar system would not yet contain enough heavy elements

24 Parent star mass If greater: Luminosity would change too fast; star would burn too rapidly
If less: Range of distances appropriate for life would be too narrow; tidal forces would disrupt the rotational period for a planet of the right distance; uv radiation would be inadequate for plants to make sugars and oxygen

25 Parent star age If older: Luminosity of star would change too quickly
If younger: Luminosity of star would change too quickly

26 Parent star color If redder: Photosynthetic response would be insufficient
If bluer: Photosynthetic response would be insufficient

27 Supernovae eruptions If too close: Life on the planet would be exterminated
If too far: Not enough heavy element ashes for the formation of rocky planets
If too infrequent: Not enough heavy element ashes for the formation of rocky planets
If too frequent: Life on the planet would be exterminated

28 White dwarf binaries If too few: Insufficient fluorine produced for life chemistry to proceed
If too many: Disruption of planetary orbits from stellar density; life on the planet would be exterminated

29 Surface gravity (escape velocity) If stronger: Atmosphere would retain too much ammonia and methane
If weaker: Planet's atmosphere would lose too much water

30 Distance from parent star If farther: Planet would be too cool for a stable water cycle
If closer: Planet would be too warm for a stable water cycle

31 Inclination of orbit If too great: Temperature differences on the planet would be too extreme

32 Orbital eccentricity If too great: Seasonal temperature differences would be too extreme

33 Axial tilt If greater: Surface temperature differences would be too great
If less: Surface temperature differences would be too great

34 Rotation period If longer: Diurnal temperature differences would be too great
If shorter: Atmospheric wind velocities would be too great

35 Gravitational interaction with a moon If greater: Tidal effects on the oceans, atmosphere, and rotational period would be too severe
If less: Orbital obliquity changes would cause climatic instabilities

36 Magnetic field If stronger: Electromagnetic storms would be too severe
If weaker: Inadequate protection from hard stellar radiation

37 Thickness of crust If thicker: Too much oxygen would be transferred from the atmosphere to the crust
If thinner: Volcanic and tectonic activity would be too great

38 Albedo (ratio of reflected light to total amount falling on surface) If greater: Runaway ice age would develop
If less: Runaway green house effect would develop

39 Oxygen to nitrogen ratio in atmosphere If larger: Advanced life functions would proceed too quickly
If smaller: Advanced life functions would proceed too slowly

40 Carbon dioxide level in atmosphere If greater: Runaway greenhouse effect would develop
If less: Plants would not be able to maintain efficient photosynthesis

41 Water vapor level in atmosphere If greater: Runaway greenhouse effect would develop
If less: Rainfall would be too meager for advanced life on the land

42 Ozone level in atmosphere If greater: Surface temperatures would be too low
If less Surface temperatures would be too high; there would be too much uv radiation at the surface

43 Atmospheric electric discharge rate If greater: Too much fire destruction would occur
If less: Too little nitrogen would be fixed in the atmosphere

44 Oxygen quantity in atmosphere If greater: Plants and hydrocarbons would burn up too easily
If less: Advanced animals would have too little to breathe

45 Oceans to continents ratio If greater: Diversity and complexity of life-forms would be limited
If smaller: diversity and complexity of life-forms would be limited

46 Soil materializations If too nutrient poor: diversity and complexity of life-forms would be limited
If too nutrient rich: Diversity and complexity of life-forms would be limited

47 Seismic activity If greater: Too many life-forms would be destroyed
If less: Nutrients on ocean floors (from river runoff) would not be recycled to the continents through tectonic uplift
*(A function of three other fundamental constants, Planck's constant, the velocity of light, and the electron charge each of which, therefore, must be fine-tuned)

GMK: Geniálny Marcelllooo Kráľ

 Krajina: Antigua and Barbuda  ~  Počet príspevkov: 10311  ~  Člen od: 15 máj 2004  ~  Posledná návšteva: 05 marec 2009 Upozorniť moderátora 


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 Odoslaný - 14 február 2005 :  15:12:43  Zobraziť profil  Pridať janka do zoznamu priateľov
a slovensky preklad?

 Krajina: Hungary  ~  Počet príspevkov: 5687  ~  Člen od: 27 január 2004  ~  Posledná návšteva: 07 január 2016 Upozorniť moderátora  Na začiatok stránky


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 Odoslaný - 14 február 2005 :  16:51:48  Zobraziť profil  Navštíviť domácu stránku užívateľa: Marcelllooo  Odoslať ICQ správu pre: Marcelllooo  Zobraziť adresu v MSN Messengeri pre: Marcelllooo  Pridať Marcelllooo do zoznamu priateľov
Pôvodne poslal janka

a slovensky preklad?

Mne sa nechce. Je to moc dlhe, preto som to dal v originali. Avsak pokladal som to za natolko zaujimave, ze som to sem dal.

GMK: Geniálny Marcelllooo Kráľ

 Krajina: Antigua and Barbuda  ~  Počet príspevkov: 10311  ~  Člen od: 15 máj 2004  ~  Posledná návšteva: 05 marec 2009 Upozorniť moderátora  Na začiatok stránky
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